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About Us

I come to jewelry designing and creating later in life.  Like many things that I have done I rarely, if ever, take the traditional route. In my mid 20’s I did try the conventional route and took courses in college planning on becoming an architect but, of course, that was too simple and logical a plan for me and I scrapped that idea.  So, I quit school, wandered around aimlessly for a while and then became a Massage/Myofascial Release Therapist which, at that time in the mid 90’s, massage was a far from common (or respected) career. I would often get comments on my choice that “I would never succeed” and “do you really think that massage stuff works?”.  But despite the negativity I persevered.

Turns out that my intelligent and beautiful subconscious knew what was best for me.  I followed my instincts to pursue massage which led me to a path of healing, connection and spiritual growth I had been craving and needing my entire life. What followed were many years of letting go, spiritual growth, expanding and being a part of, and sometimes a signpost to, other’s journeys to finding their path. 

This created in me a burning desire to make an impact on the world and I strive to do this one person at a time in my personal life and professional career. Not everyone can be a Ghandi and influence millions of people all at once.  But we can all be that one little drop in this sea of humans that will build momentum and become a tidal wave of change.  All of the growth I’ve experienced has made this possibl

During this time the need to be creative has been a thread weaving its way through my life. I found some outlets for it in various ways but most of my creative energy was needed and used to help others as well as myself in my healing process. I am now at a point in my life, however, in which I can devote time to use my creativity for other pursuits. What did I choose to create, you ask?  I choose to design Jewelry! Once again, very unconventionally, despite people literally telling me that “I’m just afraid you won’t be able to make a living at this” I am jumping in with both feet because this is the path the universe is setting for me.  Why swim against the current when that obviously will lead to drowning?

These exciting changes and new pursuits are being closely observed by my fur babies Rottie, the Rottweiler and Norman Bates, the cat.  Mostly, I think they are encouraging but I think they watch me closely to make sure that I stay sane.  I enjoy the outdoors and activities such as kayaking and hiking but can also be found on any given evening reading, playing RPG (roll playing games), enjoying movies or just dancing like a maniac in my living room alone or with my boyfriend.  I am a music lover but somehow, I am just recently discovering quite bafflingly, that I have a limited scope of music knowledge.  This is being remedied with the help of a friend who continues to expose me to new and exciting artists and genres.  I welcome all suggestions to expand my horizons on this subject as well and any others that you might want to share…


I sincerely hope my creations touch and inspire you to dream big, follow your dreams, and don’t allow anyone (especially yourself) to tell you that you can’t!